Interesting article for Facility Managers, “What habits do successful Facility Managers share?“.
Smart Light Bulbs
Helpful look at smart bulbs, “The Best Smart Lights for Your Home“.
Maximize Investments in Flooring Maintenance
Here is an article that provides suggestions for Facility Managers to help maximize investments in flooring maintenance, “Anticipating Flooring Challenges in Performance“.
Indoor Environment and Health
Interesting article for Facility Managers, “How The Indoor Environment Affects Wellness and Health of Occupants.”
After Hours Energy Management
Helpful tips for Facility Managers on after hours energy management in this article, “Energy Management After Hours”.
Building Automation in IoT World
Interesting article for Facilities Managers, “Where Does the Building Automation System Fit In An Internet of Things World?“.
Calculate Financial Value of Efficiency Related Capital Investments
The calculator from Energy Star analyzes the financial value of efficiency-related capital investments in commercial facilities. Read more.
Building Automation and IoT
Another interesting article related to IoT, “Where Does the Building Automation System Fit In An Internet of Things World?“.
Internet of Things for Buildings
The intersection of mobile and building IoT creates powerful efficiencies for Facilities Managers. Read more in this FacilitiesNet article.
Should You Engage A Building Enclosure Consultant
Here is a look at why building owners and facilities managers may want to engage a building enclosure consultant, “Why Engage a Building Enclosure Consultant?“.